Skin Care Shouldn’t Be Complicated! Follow These Handy Tips For Great Looking Skin!

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Skin care is one of those things that many people do not think of until it is too late to repair much of the damage that has been done over the years. If you take the time each day to care for your skin, you will be pleased with the appearance of it for many years.

In order to best care for your skin, be sure to keep it moist at all times by using a gentle non-oily moisturizer. Allowing your skin to become dried out will cause damage to the outer layers, which can result in a rough, unattractive look. Moisturizers work best when applied while the skin is still damp from cleansing.

If you want healthy skin, don’t smoke. Think of your skin as just another organ – a very large organ – but an organ nonetheless. Every organ in your body needs proper circulation to stay healthy. By smoking you restrict this circulation, leading to poor organ health. Instead of your organs getting a fresh supply of oxygen laden blood, they’re getting toxins and poisons.

Limiting the amount of stress you’re under can go a long way toward having healthy radiant skin. Stress is one of the most common causes of early wrinkles. Not only that, but being under a lot of stress can increase the amount of oils your skin puts out, making your face look oily. The increased level of oils on your skin will also increase the amount of acne you have.

Wear sunscreen! Too much sun exposure is detrimental to dry skin. It dries you out even more and this can cause break-outs. To stop this before it starts, use a high SPF, preferably, with a moisturizer built in. This will help prevent acne flare-ups and keep your skin looking healthy and fresh.

Start taking zinc supplements. Zinc has actually been proven effective in combating acne breakouts. Take 50 mg or 25 mg doses three times a day for optimal results. As is often the case with any supplements, consulting your regular physician before you begin taking them is always a smart idea.

Use a shaving cream or other lubricant when you shave. This goes for both men and women. Shaving is harsh on your skin, with thin metal scraping across it. Failure to use a lather will result in razor burn or possibly ingrown hairs which can be difficult to treat.

Before going to sleep, clean up your face from any trace of make-up. Apply a moisturizer a few hours before going to bed so that it has time to penetrate your skin and will not clog your pores while you rest on your pillow. Apply lip balm and hand cream before going to bed.

Looking for more beautiful skin? Make sure you get plenty of sleep each night. When you sleep, your body repairs and heals the damage to your skin brought on by stress throughout the day. Not getting at least 7 hours of sleep can leave your skin looking uneven and pale. Getting a good night’s sleep will have your skin looking radiant and healthy.

Don’t make your skin care purchase decisions based on status. The beauty industry goes out of its way to confer status on expensive creams, lotions, and the like. But you need to find products that work for YOUR skin and don’t break the bank. If that $25.00 bar of soap works as well for you as your $1.50 bar of soap, and no one knows what’s in your bathroom vanity at home, why spend the money?

If you want to ensure that you look youthful for as long as possible, you should consider quitting smoking or never smoking at all. Smoking causes your skin to look older and contributes to the formation of wrinkles. Smoking narrows blood vessels, depleting vital nutrients from entering your skin.

Having a clean pillow that you sleep on every night is a good way to keep your skin clean. The oils from your face get on your pillow, and sleeping on that night after night will leave you with a case of acne that is very easy to prevent by just using clean sheets.

One great tip for the winter is to avoid contact with water. Water can pull natural oils out of your skin, causing it to crack in dry environments. If you are cleaning around your house, you should make sure that you put on gloves so that you can keep your hands safe and keep your finger nails from becoming brittle.

These tips were provided to help anyone who desires to have a great complexion for many years, but none of them will work unless you try it. Hopefully, you have found some new information that will help you keep your skin looking youthful and healthy for many years to come.


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